FortuneBuilders Real Estate Foundations Facebook Community Guidelines

The community guidelines and expectations are for the benefit of the community as a whole and have been shaped from ongoing feedback from the FortuneBuilders Real Estate Foundation Community members and from best practices in similar successful and lasting entrepreneurial communities. We strive to develop the very best learning and supportive environment for the FortuneBuilders community members and we appreciate and encourage your participation! By accepting the invitation to the FortuneBuilders Real Estate Foundations group, you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to all of the following expectations and guidelines.


FortuneBuilders Real Estate Foundations Community Guidelines & Expectations


1. FortuneBuilders Real Estate Foundations Community

The FortuneBuilders Real Estate Foundations Facebook Communities is an official group supported and managed by FortuneBuilders (hereinafter “FB”). This community is FB’s exclusive group available by invitation to FB Real Estate Foundations students only. This group was created for students to connect, have positive interactions with one another about their real estate business, and share personal growth stories.

The FB Real Estate Foundations Communities support text, image and video posts as well as live feed streaming for its members. We encourage you to use the community as a platform to share your growth and inspire others by creating positive posts about your program progress, real estate business and personal development.

Real estate questions, questions regarding FB Real Estate Foundations, any related services, and/or feedback on any related services should be emailed to Real Estate Foundations Support at [email protected].

2. Marketing, Promotions & List Building

The community is not a platform to be used as a marketing tool for list building or to pull contacts outside of the community for your own promotional or marketing purposes. Posting affiliate links, adding your email to threads, selling, and solicitations are strictly prohibited and enforced – this includes collecting contact information and emailing members directly to offer products and/or services. Further, members are prohibited from offering something free in an attempt to list build and collect contact information for marketing purposes. IMPORTANT: We take data protection and privacy of our community very seriously. The prohibitions referenced within this paragraph are for the benefit of the community and to prevent spamming and unwanted solicitation. These prohibitions apply regardless of whether the contact or solicitation is made through text, image or video posts or live feeds. In the event of a violation, FortuneBuilders reserves the right to remove any posts and suspend or revoke community access to the responsible member without prior notice or consent.

Please do not request “likes” in the FB Real Estate Foundations group or promote that you’ve created your business page within the group. Again, the guidelines and expectations are intended to prevent the spamming nature of promotional posts and are based on the feedback and numerous requests from members within the community.

3. Community Content, Moderation & Member Disputes

Although FB moderates the group, we are not able to review and approve or otherwise verify all of the content that is posted by the members of the community. By accessing, viewing or using the community, you are acknowledging and agreeing that the information offered by other members is presented as-is and FB disclaims any and all warranties.

You are ultimately responsible for any information or advice that you act upon from the community or any transaction, business relationship or vendor relationship that you enter into. If you choose to enter into a transaction or act upon advice or information from the community, you acknowledge and agree that such activity is independent and separate from the services FB provides and that you are doing so at your own risk and assume full responsibility and liability for the outcome. We strongly encourage you to consult with the appropriate licensed experts and engage in extensive due diligence beforehand. Some strategies or advice may not be complete, accurate or may only be applicable in certain jurisdictions and so we recommend that you exercise extreme caution. If you participate in any transactions with FB Real Estate Foundations community members and/or anyone outside of the FB Real Estate Foundations group, you must perform your own due diligence and complete all documentation needed to protect your position. In any business or real estate transaction, there are risks involved and you are ultimately responsible for all outcomes, financial gains or losses in the transaction.

In an event a dispute arises between community members, FB reserves the right for both members to be removed from the community until the dispute is resolved. In no event will FB act as an intermediary and we encourage you to communicate and work directly to resolve such disputes.

4. Participation & Use

At FB we continually strive to create a supportive and inclusive community. Use your best judgment in only posting material that is appropriate and respectful.

  • Use appropriate language – no profanity or vulgarity
  • No labeling, slurs, judging, blaming, unkind criticism, threatening
  • No harassment
  • No off-color jokes or insensitive humor

The FB Real Estate Foundations group is NOT a place to voice political or religious views. We respect your beliefs and opinions but our goal is to embrace all members of the community.

FB reserves the right to remove any posts that are inappropriate or in violation of the guidelines and revoke access from the community without prior notice or consent.

5. Group Formation; Representation & Trademarks

FB owns all rights to the registered trademarks, FB Real Estate Foundations and FortuneBuilders. Groups other than FB Real Estate Foundations are not endorsed or supported by FB. Students and coaches of FB who create outside groups are prohibited from representing themselves and their groups as either FB or Real Estate Foundations. FB will enforce its registered trademarks to the fullest extent of the law and violation of these trademarks may also result in suspension or removal from the FB Real Estate Foundations communities or Real Estate Foundations programs without prior notice.

Community access is a privilege and FB reserves the right to remove any member’s access for the benefit of the community. By accepting the invitation to the FB Real Estate Foundations group you are acknowledging that you understand and consent to all of the above expectations and guidelines. Further, you understand that FB reserves the right to amend the expectations and guidelines at any time by posting an updated version and you should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then-current rules. If, at any time, you do not wish to accept the expectations and guidelines, you must cease using the FB Real Estate Foundations communities.

We appreciate, encourage and look forward to your participation!