Ready to break through the barriers and start making the money you should and enjoying the life you desire through real estate investing?
Whether you haven’t started yet or just want to take your already successful real estate investing bigger the key is learning how to overcome the fear.
Many will deny they have ‘fear’, especially fear of doing something positive. Still, you can make all the excuses in the world not to get started or take it to the next level, but it usually comes back to either a fear of failure or fear of the unknown and being out of your comfort zone.
Fear is normal, it’s a natural protective instinct, but it can fool you and hold you back when you should be pushing forward. So how can you beat it?
1. Get Educated
A lot of fear comes from the unknown or fear of challenges and even the competition. Perhaps your fear is telling you don’t know enough about something. That’s OK. Just learn about it. Grab that real estate investing course, do the research, do the due diligence and make calculated moves.
2. Be Open to Help
Top real estate investing pros and business leaders know that help is critical to their success, not an indicator of weakness. No one knows absolutely everything about everything all the time. You don’t have to “fake it till you make it”; be open to accepting help in all its forms. Embrace assistants, consult mentors, get coaching, network, listen, partner up and take the money on the table being offered to you.
3. Take it Like a Champ
Accept the presence of fear, then take it head on, utilize your knowledge and leverage your network to minimize risk and make the best moves you can. A champion boxer is going to get knocked flat out in the first round if they don’t have a healthy fear of getting hit and work to defend themselves, but they also know they can’t expect to win without the risk of taking a few minor jabs, and they never have a hope of taking home the title unless they get in the ring and throw a punch.