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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Quiz: Are You An Expert Networker Or Master Salesman?

Written by Than Merrill

Every business needs both an expert networker and master salesman.

The networker is someone who is charismatic and can hold a conversation with anyone.  They enjoy attending networking events just so that they can pick the brains of like-minded individuals.  Networkers are people who have the ability to find deals – and even financing options – just by getting to know other investors, rehabbers, and contractors in the local area. A networker can shoot the breeze for hours and truly encompasses what it means to be a “people person.”

A salesman, on the other hand, is the go-to person for factual data, market research information, and product knowledge.  They are experts ad understanding body language and can close even the toughest deals.  They turn prospective leads into loyal customers using their intelligence and charm.  Salesmen are the ultimate brand representatives and are always up to date on the latest happenings of their industry.

What Is Your Role In Your Business?

There are specific traits that differentiate networkers and salesmen.  Some investors tend to thrive in one area over the other, but that does not mean you shouldn’t strive to excel in both.

Take our quiz to find out which role you play in your business and discover places where you have room to improve:

networker salesman business