Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate
Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Real Estate Blogging Success In Just An Hour A Day

Written by Paul Esajian

Key Takeaways

  • Successful blogs have many reasons for their existence (besides making the blog owner money).
  • Search-engine keywords are important, but it’s vital you blend them with an intuitive sense for the questions your potential leads are asking.
  • Learn to create blog content in short bursts of time to boost your productivity.

You’ve no doubt heard, as you started your real estate investing career, about the importance of starting a blog. You’ve probably had at least one (or a dozen) expert extol the benefits of real estate blogging, and how real estate content marketing is a great way to establish yourself as a credible source in a market, not to mention attract potential leads in a cost-effective way.

How do you accomplish this most effective of marketing strategies for real estate when time and energy are short, and you’re already trying to get a real estate business off the ground? Is it possible to create vital real estate blogging content in just an hour a day? The answer is most assuredly yes.

By playing to your strengths as a content creator, having a clear vision for what your blog is about, and by learning to create in quick pockets of time, you’ll find yourself with a thriving blog before you know it.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to using your real estate blog as a central pillar of your marketing, even in the most crowded of markets.

Mastering The Art Of Real Estate Blogging

Real estate content marketing

1. Have a Mission for Your Blog

We all know somebody who started a blog with great intentions, and more than a little enthusiasm, only to find that after a blog post or two they ran out of steam, and the blog sat there — dormant and withering on the vine after just a few months.

Successful real estate blogs are those that are updated with frequent, consistent content. It’s a lot easier to create that frequent, consistent content if you have a mission for your blog. This might be in the form of helping educate potential leads in Denver about the home selling process, or maybe it’s to inform potential private investors on how investing in Omaha real estate works (and doesn’t work.) Maybe it’s even more specific: teaching would-be Atlanta sellers how to navigate a difficult time in their life, such as probate or bankruptcy.

Having an overtly promotional mission for your blog — such as establishing you as an expert or acquiring leads — doesn’t often work. These are often byproducts of a good content marketing plan that focuses on education and inspiration, over conversions and sales.

2. Play to Your Strengths

The best real estate marketing is that which cuts through the clutter and delivers helpful, timely information to those consuming that content. In a real estate marketing blog context, this means creating content that you actually enjoy creating.

Remember, blog content doesn’t have to mean 1,000 word blog posts that sound overwhelming. Blog content can take many forms, whether it be video, PowerPoint presentations, podcasts, slideshows, Facebook live video chats, or anything you can think of.

The more you enjoy creating a particular type of content, the more you’ll create, and the more engaged your audience will be with the content you do create. The key is to try out numerous different types of content to see which one you work best with. You won’t know until you try.

3. Find Keywords That Answer Questions

Chances are, you’ve heard about SEO keywords. For years, the best advice was to rigidly position your content using the most popular keyword phrases as a reference, as to ensure it got discovered by potential readers.

These days, in the ever-changing digital marketing world, it appears a far better approach is to blend keyword research (usually done with the Google Keyword Tool) along with an intuitive sense about what questions a potential lead might have. For our purposes, this means getting as specific and market-focused as possible about the questions our potential leads might ask.

For example, with a quick Google search on the phrase “stop foreclosure Philadelphia,” we can see the following phrases in the Related Searches section:

  • How to stop foreclosure in Philadelphia
  • How to avoid foreclosure in Philadelphia
  • Foreclosure assistance pa
  • Foreclosure prevention pa
  • How long does the foreclosure process take in pa
  • How many times can a sheriff sale be postponed in pa

Could you write a quick blog post or do a quick online video about any of these subjects? Sure. Would you reach thousands of people with this content? Probably not.
Would that content be vital (and engaging) to your ideal lead? If you work in the Philadelphia market, absolutely.

4. Work in Sprints

There’s a concept in the web development world called a “sprint.” It refers to a specified period of time, in which you try to get as much done on one single task. Though it sounds simple, it can be most effective when creating real estate blog content.

Devote 30-60 minutes a day (start with 30 and work up to 60) in which you “sprint” to create helpful, educational content. It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what to say, or how to say it. Just start brainstorming on paper or talking to a camera about a particular topic. It’s okay if you’re a bit slow getting started; keep at it and you’ll only get faster and better at it.

A good goal is to shoot for 500 words (2 pages) or two minutes of content each day. Do this everyday for a year, and you’ll have more than 130,000 words of content filling your real estate blog. As long as you are focused on helping and educating people on a question they desperately want the answer to, you’ll find your real estate content marketing one of the most effective ways to reach potential leads and grow your business.

Have you had success with your real estate blogging? What have you learned over the course of getting your real estate blog off the ground? Let us know in the comments below!