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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Real Estate Investing: Making Social Media Work For You

Written by Than Merrill

You have been told again and again that you need to be using social media for your real estate investing efforts.  So how many Facebook likes and Twitter followers do you have right now?

It doesn’t matter how many Facebook updates you have done or how many Tweets you have posted.  How many people are following your real estate investing business online?  How many real customers have you gained from your social media?

If you don’t have at least a hundred, your real estate investing business probably doesn’t really exist on the web in any meaningful way, and the statistics suggest that no matter what you do your results are going to be pretty limited.  If you have less than 5,000 the odds are that you aren’t really making much from your online marketing.

The problem is that while real estate investors know they need to be utilizing social media most not only don’t know how to use it, but dramatically underestimate its power to fuel their real estate investing businesses with new leads and opportunities.  If you were told that on the low end you will probably average about a dollar a month for each fan or follower you have online, would that motivate you a little more?  So hitting 100,000 fans would give you a nice 6 figure income, per month.

Most real estate investing businesses who’s owners haven’t invested in a good real estate education program or coaching are also just are not aware of the speed with which it can bring you new business if used right and how cost effective it is.  Instead of just posting and waiting for someone to eventually find you and decide to follow you, if you took a proactive approach and started engaging in conversations and had a plan for adding followers and fans you would probably be incredibly surprised at the results.  Combine that with a simple but powerful squeeze page and you really don’t even need a full website to be driving in masses of leads on the web.  After all, what you really want is just lots of live customers giving you their contact details right?