Will spring break snap your real estate investing business or help you kick things into high gear to take the rest of the year by storm?
Spring break is one of America’s favorite traditions and times for vacation, and it isn’t just for out of control college students. So the question is, will you make more money from real estate investing during spring break 2013 to fatten the war chest and march toward your goals, or will you find it leaves your exhilarating start to the year with a bad hangover?
Those in the cold north might find things get pretty quiet during spring break. This can actually make it easier to scoop up great deals on new property acquisitions with less buyers around to compete with but it can also be a pain for those trying to sell homes.
And if you are expecting a big slowdown in business, why not get away yourself? It’s the perfect opportunity to take off, explore, have some fun, find inspiration, reset goals and even find some incredible new ideas for your real estate investing business.
If you are located in, or own rental properties in a busy spring break zone, then you could benefit this time of year from the huge windfall of new visitors in town. However, if you are renting to spring breakers make sure you are screening them so your properties aren’t trashed!
For those of you who choose flipping houses as your preferred real estate investing strategy, you could also find this a smart period for kicking your marketing up a notch to capitalize on the influx. Try hitting your social strategy harder, partner with local travel companies or do more outdoor advertising to pick up more buyers.