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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Real Estate Wholesaling: How To Get Taken Seriously

Written by Than Merrill

It seems that real estate investing companies are finally stepping up their online game a little bit and are becoming much easier to find in search results.  Unfortunately there are quite a few sites giving real estate wholesaling a bad name and frustrating serious investors and would be buyers with the junk they are putting out there.  You need to be taken seriously or you are going to be driving away tons of valuable real estate investing business.

If you have done a few searches for wholesale properties yourself you have no doubt come across numerous real estate investing sites that are prime examples of how not to do it.

Many lock their property details until you fill out 2 pages of personal details or want you to sign up for a monthly subscription that ends up delivering the same properties available for free on a dozen other websites.  If you just want to make money from monthly subscriptions fine, but if you actually want to be flipping houses for big profits cut the fluff.  If you have great deals put them up or create a hot sheet and at the most ask for a name and email address.

The other way to instantly kill your credibility and find yourself on every one’s spam list is providing terrible comps and inaccurate repair estimates.  Any serious cash buyer or investor who is buying properties on a regular basis knows where to get solid comps and what will fly on an appraisal and they know how to asses what their real repair costs will be very quickly.  So don’t try making your deals look a lot sweeter than they are, savvy real estate investing pros will see right through it.

If you want to win at wholesale real estate investing price your deals reasonably and cultivate a solid group of serious players who trust you and will come back and buy from you every month.