Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate
Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Tips For Real Results From Your Social Media Marketing

Written by Than Merrill

1. Have A Plan
Far too many of those new to real estate investing are trying to use social media marketing just because they have been told they need it, yet have no plan. If you don’t have a plan you are planning to fail. The top real estate investing companies have their marketing planned out months or even years in advance. If you aren’t sure how to really use social media marketing for flipping real estate, what type of investment it takes or what you can really expect in terms of returns then talk to a pro who has been using it successfully or get your hands on a real estate education course that incorporates marketing advice.

2. Build Up Followers & Fans
It really doesn’t matter whether you are creating the most stunning content in the world or are offering the most amazing real estate investing opportunities through your social media channels if you have no fans and followers to receive the info. Part of your SMM plan should focus on directly building up your fan and follower base in order to maximize your visibility. This should include taking a proactive approach by following others, investing in a few inexpensive but powerful tools that will automate this process and coming up with creative promotions to attract more online friends.

3. Keywords
Keywords are crucial for your success online and maximizing the marketing ROI of your real estate investing business. You must use keywords throughout your website, blogs and articles for search engine optimization. However they are also equally important for seeking out your ideal prospects. Try using long tail keywords that are more often used by those who are actually ready to buy and are not just aimlessly surfing the web.

4. Make It Flow
Crafting incredibly catchy Tweets, attracting masses of fans on Facebook or even drawing in record breaking traffic numbers for your blog doesn’t mean much unless you have these social media outlets set up to effectively and quickly funnel these prospects through to your website and to where they can buy or contact you directly.