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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Twitter: Your Most Undervalued Marketing Tool?

Written by Than Merrill

Perhaps you already have a Twitter account you are using half-heartedly for your real estate investing business already or may be you know you should have one but just haven’t taken the time to figure it out. Either way you may just find Twitter has been one of the most underestimated real estate investing marketing tools you can have in your arsenal.

Unless you have been tracking your website analytics you may not have realized just how many prospects have already visited your real estate investing business on the web via Twitter already. In fact many do not realize that Twitter’s viral capabilities position it as one of the most powerful ways of generating new leads for flipping houses. If you don’t know how to track your analytics or it just doesn’t interest you, pay someone else to do it, the return will be huge.

Twitter offers one of the fastest and easiest ways to get out your messages for real estate investing. It also provides a great way to stay in the front of the minds of your many contacts and prospects exactly when they need your service the most or someone they know does. When it comes to success in real estate investing often 90% of the battle is just being in the right place at the right time.

Twitter is also surprisingly one of the most inexpensive forms of advertising you can use for promoting your real estate investing business. However according to Toyota a Tweet is worth at least an easy $500 each! Their recent promotion gives a $500 debit card for all those who buy a Toyota before January 3rd who Tweeted about the event before hand. What promotions can you come up with for your real estate investing business to spread the word to the masses with very little effort?